Women Rights and Empowerment Training

WEEDS conducted several Women Rights rallies during its inception. In the 90’s, consumption of counterfeit liquor has taken away many young family men’s lives and it’s caused women and children to be abandoned. WEEDS took up this issue and conducted several rallies and awareness Training programs in Mangadu region which impacted the lives of many women in our community.“Women Rights are Human Rights” a mantra for WEEDS and consistently fighting for Women’s Rights.
Empowering rural women is very essential in today’s world; with the help of local SHGs we have organized awareness rights and empowerment based training for many women at Grass root level. Income generating activities are considered as those initiatives that affect the economic aspects of people’s lives through the use of economic tools such as credit. It is being increasingly realized that women’s income in a family is very important in relation to the nutritional, economical and educational upliftment of the family. We found a good impact of this program. Economic independence or access to an inherited or self-generated income is considered as the major means of empowerment of women, to a great extent this is true as economic dependence is the worst form of dependence. To enable women to stand on their own leg, this strategy is attempted and advocated and trained by creating awareness among them.