
Aariwork Skill Training conducted for SHG women to learn and equip themselves in the skill to earn and fulfill their needs independently.
Tailoring skill Training project was started in the year 2016, from then women from many SHGs learning Tailoring skill. Later we decided to provide employment opportunities from different garments by seeing our trained women’s interest in going for a dignified job in order to support their family. Now WEEDS tailoring unit is providing training and job placement opportunities for the women who get trained under our tailoring unit. Our tailoring unit is located at Managdu & Kundrathur Municipalities.
Other than Tailoring Training, WEEDS encouraging Entrepreneurship activities as believed women can empower only through economic independence. So,WEEDS in network with various agencies train and encourage women to develop their skills & entrepreneurial activity.
In collaboration with FARMS India, WEEDS has giving training to women in culinary skills by train them in making Jam, Pickle, sauce, Juices and other kitchen made items to prepare and to sale it.
Training women to be digitalized in marketing their SHG products with the support of HESA Enterprises.
Bharathiya Yuva Sakthi Trust (BYST) is helping our emerging women entrepreneurs by providing ideas/advice to start up business.